Tuesday, 5 August 2008

willie style

In preparation for the possibility of a lack of sanitary toilet seats on our travels, Noelle has just test-run a prosthetic penis (ladies, if you're interested they're no doubt available at all reputable prosthetic penis shops). It's basically a funnel. The process looks a bit weird from behind...


Anonymous said...

Perhaps a little too much detail mate. Hope the rest of your leaving do was a blast (still a bit unsure about you and Mojitos but never mind) and have a great birthday on Friday.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered who bought things from those catalogues that fall out of tabloid papers..... Have a good one !

Anonymous said...

sounds interesting.
could you plesae post a picture..

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted a She-Wee. They are a genius invention! Will have to quiz Noelle about it in due course...
Glad to see the penguins are having lots of fun!

S&N said...

"fran - lady lib" dem is an awesome name. My congratulations to you!