Now you can get a taste of Hanoi for FREE! Yes, that's right folks! With a special one-off payment of just $0 plus 12 monthly instalments of $0 you can create that special Vietnam experience without having to leave the comfort of your own home!! This very special offer is just too good to miss and can be enjoyed in 5 quick and easy steps:
1 Stick all your money and everything that testifies to your official existence down your pants.
2 Dress yourself in a piece of plastic and a pair of flip flops.
3 Get into a tepid shower and put the water on FULL.
4 Remain there ALL DAY.
5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 ad nauseam.
This once in a lifetime offer is brought to you by an extremely pissed off Englishman holed up in Vietnam's washed out capital.
Joking aside, the amount of rain here does seem to be pretty exceptional from what we've heard. Here's some sobering news I found out this afternoon:
Still, we have managed to do a few things here - sampling the local food has been an adventure. I had "Crap soup" for lunch today. See pic below if you don't believe me:
Funnily enough it tasted a bit like crab. Odd.
Here are some other pics for your perusal:
Hi Simon & Noelle, It's great to be able to keep up with your travels, it sounds like you are having a wonderful (and at times wet) time.
I have enjoyed looking at your photos and I didn't know that you could enlarge them by clicking on the pic - so thanks for the tip Simon.
Cheers, Sharlene
Hi Sharlene! So nice to hear from you and it's always comforting to know that people are actually reading this stuff! Nobody likes pissing into the wind after all...
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