Below is a brief description of what we got up to on two of the seven days we've been here. The other five have been uneventful because of either laziness or bad weather. Take it from me, this place is absolutely ballachingly beautful. In fact, you don't have to take it from me, just look at the photos below (by the way, if you double click on the pics they enlarge - what with me being a dribbling idiot when it comes to computer stuff, I only just found this out).
The photos above were taken on the first day of wonderment and joy, during which we hired mountain bikes, cycled up through the rice paddies by the Yulong river, took a ride on a bamboo raft (mostly very peaceful except for the bits where they threw you over waterfallls) with the bikes on the back and then went out on the razzmatazz in the evening.
The photos below are from the second day of wonderment and joy, during which we took a bus out to a far-flung village with the aim of doing a planned hike of four hours back down the Li River. We got lost in the mountains almost immediately and ended up following the directions of local villagers over goat paths and along deserted tracks towards the only town we knew how to pronounce. After nearly six hours it became clear we were still a long way off. We were concerned, but not wetting ourselves with panic or anything. Anyway, a random bloke with a motorbike (one of the first motorised vehicles we'd seen for many an hour) took pity on us (when we offered him a couple quid, anyway) and took us the rest of the way.
The evening was spent at the light show, directed by the fella who did the opening ceremony for the Olympics - punters punting on punts on the water with lights and music and stuff. Very impressive. The pic doesn't quite do it justice I'm afraid.
This last pic I took today and I think it's quite nice.