This stuff actually happened before the last post so it's not exactly in the right order. But these things happen when you're travelling, people - deal with it!
Normally the pose on view in this first pic would qualify you as a full-option, card-carrying, cast iron moron. But in China everybody does it and it means: "Yay, we're having a great time. Isn't everything just, like, totally awesome lol lol?!!!" or something equally fatuous. Noelle is in fact just trying to blend in.
Clearly the scenery on offer was pretty cool, but we ended up in a Chinese tour group on this one and kept getting roped into paying for things we hadn't expected and were rubbish. The tour leader didn't speak any English, although we'd paid for an English speaker (righteous indignation all round). On top of that he was a total sheister. Still, the people on the tour were pleasant enough and the nature reserve was incredible.
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