Sunday, 19 October 2008

Update (of sorts)

Simon writes:

We're in Changsha (for about 5 hours) at the moment after having successfully managed to negotiate sleeper tickets to Shanghai (mostly in Mandarin) in a ridiculously crowded and chaotic train station - I rule! Since the last post we've seen some clay men , zoomed up the yangtze in a hydrofoil and been to a quite incredible nature reserve with crazy rock formations. Pictures to follow (cba at present).

Below is some random blather about Chinese people that I just thought up. Read it if you can be bothered. Love and hugs - S

Things Chinese people appear to be strangely averse to: the number 4; brakes; silence; privacy; decent breakfast. Things Chinese people appear to love: foreigners; work (even if it's pointless); phlegm; wearing colour-coded baseball caps as part of billion-strong tour groups.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Mandarin was fluent due to all the practice on the barge. Enjoy Shanghai.
Love Mary and Les