1. Met a nomadic family in their ger and consumed milk products
2. Wrestled (almost successfully!) a diminutive but surprisingly strong Mongolian
3. Unwisely climbed solo up a mountain side and took photos from the top
4. Watched Budhist monks chanting in a spectacularly colourful temple
5. Fired arrows at the penguins from a Mongolian bow made out of cow horns
6. Missed repeatedly
7. Played two hours of basketball with a dozen 19 year-old students and virtually collapsed with exhaustion afterwards
8. Watched BBC World News in a fancy hotel room
9. Narrowly avoided being run over by Ulaanbaatar's crazy drivers
10. Fell in love with a yak. Ovbviously.
Readers may have guessed that the Baikal fishing idea fell through. Curses! I went swimming in the lake instead and it was frikkin Baltic!
Photos below of much of the above...
Even in the summer Baikal is very cool, you really have a nerve to swim at late september!
hey there
good to see you're not giving up on your basketball career. I hear the Mongolian league has quite a high standard Asia-wide. As for Euston Power we had a gerat trip to Hamburg ten days ago, apart from the fact our flights got cancelled on the Thursday and we lost a full 24 hours - so 2 instead of 3 games and no daytime tourist activities. Still, lost 1 (everyone was still drunk), won 1 and had a blast out on the town. Keep up the good blog-work, always amazed by your adventures.
Hi Christian. Cool to hear about the Hamburg trip. Anybody disgrace themselves out on the town. OJ's not the best with booze I seem to remember... :)
OJ had a calm two nights. Cab driver on way back to airport took Jon to airbus plant instead of airport. Ed went awol both nights, only to turn up at half time for the first game and in time for check/out on the last morning. In short, everyone had a great time / brilliant trip.
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