Friday 6 February 2009

We made it to India!

Noelle writes:

We made it here by train and are now in Varanasi. The train ride to Varanasi was interesting to say the least. We had many people wanting to sit next to us and hear about where we're from and how they can get a working visa for England. One guy even wanted Simon to give him advice on how he should expand his computer business. Simon had a hard time trying to convince him that he doesn't know about the computer business. When I asked the same guy about his family and how many children he had he responded with "I have two children and one girl". Gives an interesting insight into how important women are here. He also wanted to discuss porn with Simon and find out if he had any good movies or photos of women.

Here in Varanasi we are enjoying the roof top restaurants and strolling by the Ganges. Our guesthouse is right near where they perform the rituals of dipping dead bodies in Ganges and then cremating them on the banks.

This morning we also had a good standoff with the monkeys outside our room. They kept coming up to the glass and baring their teeth and opening their mouths really wide against the window. So I attempted to do the same but trying to look scarier. Not such a good idea as the monkey then jumped onto the window with all fours. So glad that there is a barrier between us and them.

We're off to Bombay tomorrow. So excited!!

Photos to follow when we're in a better internet cafe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I must return to India, Bombay (Mumbai) is only about a 12hr agonising bus journey North of hampi... if i remember correctly, if you have the time I thoroughly reccomend it as a place to escape the stress of the cities.